Bubble Up Your Hydration: The Importance of Water for Your Health

Back Story:

3 months ago I drank around 60 ounces of water per day. Through this time I felt awful, my body was tired, my brain was foggy, and my skin was crying for moisturization. I suffered from acne, frequent pass outs, and health issues. I didn't hate drinking water I just often forgot about it, it was a neglected necessity. In the most recent months I have challenged myself to take control over my body, by doing this I now drink around 90-100 ounces of water per day. This has transformed my everyday life in the best way possible. I now can wake up everyday without the constant headaches, and go throughout the day feeling moisturized inside and out.

The Health Bubbles of Staying Hydrated

Energy Bubbles
Feeling drained? So did I. Dehydration drains your energy more than you really know. Water acts as an energy bubble for your body, helping you feel energized and powerful through your day.

Skin Glow Bubbles
This is the most affordable skincare secrets. Drinking water has changed my skin drastically. Hydration is the secret to that dewy, fresh glow. Drinking water clears toxins and creates a bubble of moisture for your skin, leaving it radiant.

Digestion Bubbles
Water is essential for smooth digestion. Staying hydrated helps keeps all of my stomach aches away. Think of water as a way to keep everything flowing and helps prevent constipation.

Brain Boost Bubbles
I used to wake up feeling foggy, my brain would not fully function before adding additional hydration into my everyday life. With your brain made up of about 75% water, hydration supports memory, focus, and mental sharpness. With my eye condition (nystagmus) it is essential for me to support my brain and eyes, drinking water does this.

Fun Bubbles to Make Drinking Water Enjoyable

Plain water can get boring fast, a good way to spice it up is adding some bubbles or flavor to your hydration routine!

Infused Bubbles
I like to add in either some fresh fruit, like lemons or berries into my water, or a flavor packet into my water to make it more fun, and add a flavorful boost. This has made water feel like a pop.

Sparkling Bubbles
Adding some bubbles into your water is essential for shaping out pops for water. This alternative helps me satisfy my cravings, reduce my appetite, and help me hit my hydration goals.

Goal Bubbles
I love to track my water intake with a fun app! This keeps me on track and ensure I don't forgot to drink enough water. I opt in for the notifications so my apps tell me when I need to take a sip.

Ritual Bubbles
By pairing my water intake with an additional habit creates its own little bubble of routine. For example whenever I drink a caffeinated beverage, I drink a glass of water both before and after, I do the same with any meal or snack.

Straw Bubbles
I can not stand drinking water constantly out of a glass, I like to spice it up by using a reusable water bottle with a reusable straw. This makes hydration easy.

Hydration Food Bubbles
This is something I never thought much of before my hydration journey. I add in foods high in water content to boost my water intake each day. These foods include watermelon, strawberries, and lettuce.

How Big Should Your Hydration Bubble Be?

I struggled figuring out what the true number of ounces of water I needed each day was. Every source I would look at was different from the last. There is no number that suits everyone it all depends on your body, activity level, gender, environment, and many more categories. The recommended amount depending on the source ranges from 90-125 ounces. Some websites and apps do help you figure out what is your recommended amount is depending on a number of categories. My biggest tip is listen to your body! I am not just talking about drinking when your thirsty but also drinking when your feeling tired, lightheaded, etc.

I hope that these tips can help you bubble up your hydration routine and start enjoying the benefits of staying properly hydrated. So fill up your glass, and let water work its magic.

Bubble Up

Bubble Up


Bubble of Thoughts


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