Bubbles of Calm: How to Create a Morning Routine that Sets the Tone for Your Day

The way I start my morning has such a huge impact on how the rest of my day goes. Having a morning routine has deeply impacted how I go about life and the world around me. Rather than letting my morning be chaotic, I have created a routine that allows me to ease into the day. I like to think of each part of my morning routine as a bubble of calm, floating up and setting the tone for everything that follows. These little bubbles like taking a deep breath, drinking water, or stretching build up to create a foundation that helps me be ready to take on the day. If you are feeling like your mornings are a blur, you are not alone. But the good news is creating a peaceful routine doesn't have to be complicated. It is all about taking small steps that bring you a sense of calm before the rush of the day comes.

Wake up and Breathe in Bubbles of Calm

Avoid the Snooze Button

Trust me when I say, I have hit the snooze bottom too many times to count. We can't always be perfect. But when those mornings do happen I tend to feel rushed and behind on everything I have to do. Instead, I have started waking up with the first alarm. I do this by the 5 second rule.

What is the 5 second rule?

The 5 second rule is basically hearing the alarm go off, counting down from 5 to 1 and then immediately getting up. The goal of this rule is to take action before your brain can convince you to stay asleep.


This may be a simple stupid task to do but it changes how you feel for the rest of the day. Before even getting out of bed and hopping into the shower allow yourself to breathe. Since you just woke up your brain most likely is not fully functioning, so this is the perfect moment to just sit and breathe before your head gets foggy from all of the worries.

Hydrate and Start Your Day with Bubbles of Freshness

Water: The First Bubble of Energy

Drinking water as soon as I have woken up has completely transformed the way I feel in the morning. After sleeping your body craves hydration and water provides that. It is like a mini reset button for your system, helping your mind and body wake up. This simple act sets you up for a smoother morning.

Morning Skincare: Bubbles of Refreshment

An amazing way to start your morning is by treating your skin to some much needed hydration. Adding morning skincare into your routine can help wake up your body and skin for the day ahead. My favorite part is the cooling effect it has on this skin, this is another boost of energy. Having a little bit of me time before the day is super important.

Pop the Bubbles of Overwhelm

Break Your Day Down into Bubbles

Rather then waking up with a million things going on inside your mind, lay in all out on a piece of paper. This is such a simple step that makes everyday easier. Whether it is the night before or incorporated into your morning routine creating a list of bubbles (tasks) you want to complete that day helps your mind become more at peace and prepared. When you focus on just one bubble at a time, things feel manageable. This process is less about getting everything done all at once and more about popping one bubble and moving onto the next. This sets your day up for success.

Let Your List Be Flexible

I am still trying to be flexible with my lists of things to do. It is so difficult to feel completed when everything is not done or not done in the exact way as imagined. But sometimes bubbles don't pop in the same order or same time that you expected. You just have to remind yourself it is okay! Allow your to-list to float and shift as needed.

Bubbles of preparation

The key to an amazing day is prepping the night before. Taking just a few steps everyday makes all the difference. First prep your outfits, lay out your clothes ahead of time to avoid any “I have nothing to wear” mornings. My secret tip is to try all of your options on the night before, this way you will know what fits you right. I prep the kitchen and living room each night, I fold all the blankets, wipe down every surface, and start the dishes. By doing this I can walk out of my bedroom in the morning and feel at peace and prepared.

Moving Your Body with Bubbles of Energy

Let Each Stretch Be a Bubble of Release

I am not perfect, I do not stretch every morning but I do intentionally move my body. The first thing I do after I get out of bed is go into the living room, look out the windows, and shimmy out my body. Depending on how stiff my body is this can take 10 second to 3 minutes. By gently moving my body I can shake off the feeling of sleepiness.

Pop Into Action by Moving Your Body with Morning Chores

I have found that making the bed in the morning gives me an intense feeling of accomplishment. Not only does it help to start my morning with a tidy space, but it also gives me a quick boost of energy by moving my body. It is so hard to find the motivation to do yoga, go for a walk, or any form of exerieze early in the day but just by making your bed your moving around.

Chores are Little Bubbles of Movement

Each morning before I even change out of my PJs I like to morning chores. These are simple, easy things that wake your body and mind up. These tasks include tidying up the kitchen, wiping down surfaces, or taking the dishes out of the dish washer. These simple tasks may not seem like much, but they get your body moving. As you bend, reach, and stretch to clean, each movement helps your bodies energy level up. It is a mindless way to stretch your body in the morning while giving you a sense of order and focus.

Let Your Morning Bubbles Lift You

Every morning is a fresh start, an opportunity to set the tone for the rest of the day. By adding small bubbles of calm into your routine, you create a space where you can be at peace before the rush of life takes over. The beauty of a morning routine lines in its simplicity. It does not need to be perfect nor complicated, it just needs to work for you and your life. The key is to be intentional, making every moment count, and showing up for yourself every single day.


Skincare Bubbles: Building a Routine That Works for Your Skin Type